We're drawing attention to the critical issue of insufficient lubrication as a leading cause of turbocharger failures. This frequently overlooked prob...
We're reminding technicians of top tips on how to ensure their turbo story has a fairy tale ending this Valentine’s Day. As manufacturers build smal...
If a vehicle is suffering from rattling or grinding noises during operation, and drivers experience loss of engine power, this could be due to a loose...
If a vehicle is suffering from rattling or grinding noises during operation and drivers experience loss of engine power, this could be due to foreign ...
If a vehicle is suffering from lack of power, the exhaust is smoking excessively, or there are abnormal whirring noises, it could be because the turbo...
Not enough attention is being paid to the impact of blocked diesel particulate filters (DPFs) on turbochargers, says Tom Wright, our product manager.
There is no better time to offer a remanufactured turbocharger to customers as the current economic climate has led to a perfect storm for vehicle own...
Oil leaks can be caused by several factors, but technicians shouldn’t rush to remove the turbocharger in the event of a leak to diagnose a fault, sa...
Melett UK will close for the Jubilee bank holiday at 17:00 on Wednesday 01 June and reopen at 08:00 on Monday 06 June. Any orders that are not picked or dispatched before we close will resume preparation when we reopen. If you would like any more information or guidance on the above, please contact our customer care team on +44 (0)1226 320939.
Memorial Day 2022
Melett North America will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday May 30th and will reopen at 8.00 am on Tuesday May 31st.
Melett Pologne
Melett Pologne sera fermé pour un jour férié le jeudi 16 juin et rouvrira à 8h00 le vendredi 17 juin. Toutes les commandes qui ne sont pas préparées ou expédiées avant la fermeture reprendront leur préparation à la réouverture. Si vous souhaitez plus d'informations ou des conseils sur ce qui précède, veuillez contacter notre service client au +44 (0)1226 320939.
Heures d’ouverture du jour férié
Melett UK
Fermera à 17h00 le vendredi 29 avril 2022 et rouvrira le mardi 3 Mai 2022 à 8h00
Melett Pologne
Fermera à 16h30 le vendredi 29 avril 2022 et rouvrira le mercredi 4 Mai 2022 à 8h00
We are delighted to advise full website functionality has now been restored, meaning you can view stock and pricing, add parts to your basket and submit your order via the website. In addition, all turbo/part number searches are fully working.
Until further notice please place your orders by 2.30 pm and we will endeavour to dispatch the same day dispatch.
We will keep you updated as we navigate through the remaining internal connectivity issues, we have dedicated teams working round the clock to resolve any remaining issues as quickly as possible.
We, at Melett, would like to stress our gratitude for your continued patience and support throughout this difficult time.
Please note you can now view your pricing on the Melett website.
We appreciate this is not a complete solution at this stage, however, please be assured our internal website and IT teams remain focused on reinstating the stock availability function.
We cannot stress enough that we are doing everything we can to reconnect our internal system, and we will restore full website functionality as soon as possible.
Si vous rencontrez des problèmes lors de la commande en ligne, n'hésitez pas à contacter :
W związku z awarią sieci telefonicznej prosimy o kontakt na telefon komórkowy: Damian 512 372 612; Kasia 511 372 612
Melett UK sera fermé pour un jour férié le lundi 29 août et rouvrira le mardi 30 août.
Si vous souhaitez plus d'informations ou des conseils sur ce qui précède, veuillez contacter notre service client au +44 (0)1226 320939.
Melett Polska sera fermé pour un jour férié le vendredi 11 novembre et rouvrira le lundi 14 novembre.
Toutes les commandes non expédiées avant la fermeture le jeudi 10 novembre seront expédiées lors de notre réouverture.
Si vous souhaitez plus d'informations ou des conseils sur ce qui précède, veuillez contacter notre service client au +44 (0)1226 320939.
Funérailles nationales de la reine Elizabeth II - lundi 19 septembre
Melett UK sera fermé le lundi 19 septembre pour les funérailles nationales de la reine Elizabeth II. Melett se joindra aux gens et aux entreprises partout dans le pays pour penser à l'incroyable contribution et à l'héritage durable de Sa Majesté.
Melett North Amérique du Nord et Melett Pologne resteront ouverts normalement.
Heures d’ouverture de Pâques
Melett Melett - Royaume-Uni - Fermera à 17h00 le jeudi 14 avril et réouverture à 8h00 mardi 19 avril Melett Polska - Fermera à 16h30 le jeudi 14 avril et réouverture à 8h00 mardi 19 avril En raison d'une maintenance essentielle, le site Web de Melett sera temporairement indisponible le Jeudi 14 Avril de 17h30 à 08h00. Nous, nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée.
Essential Maintenance
En raison d'une maintenance essentielle, le site Web de Melett sera temporairement indisponible le vendredi 25 février de 19h00 à 21h00 (CET). Nous, nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée.
Planned maintenance – Thursday 24 March 2022
We will be undertaking planned maintenance on our internal systems this evening between 17:00 and 20:00 GMT, which will affect some website functionality.
We aim to keep disruption to a minimum and the website will remain online. However, we will need to temporarily disable online ordering during this time.
Merci pour votre compréhension.
Essential Maintenance
Nous prévoyons une maintenance essentielle ce week-end (du 19 au 20 février) et certains des services de notre site Web peuvent être parfois indisponibles. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée.
Essential Maintenance
- En raison d'une maintenance essentielle, le site Web de Melett sera temporairement indisponible le vendredi 28 janvier de 18h00 à 20h00 (CET). Nous, nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée.
Heures d'ouverture
- Melett UK Will close 5:00pm Thursday 23rd December and reopen 8:00am Tuesday 4th January
- Melett Polska Will close 4:30pm Thursday 23rd December and reopen 8:00am Monday 3rd January
- Melett North America Will close 5:00pm Thursday 23rd December and reopen 8:00am Monday 3rd January
Please note: Due to essential maintenance the Melett website will be temporarily unavailable on Friday 10 December from 5:00PM (CET) to 11:00PM (CET). Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Please note; Unfortunately, we are experiencing processing delays for all orders which may result in delays in shipping. If possible, please confirm orders at your earliest opportunity to help minimise disruption to our normal high standards. Please accept our apologies and rest assured that we are working hard to resolve the issue.
Melett Poland will be closed for a Public Holiday on Thursday 11th November. Any orders that are not picked or despatched on Wednesday 10th November will resume preparation when we return on Friday 12th November.
Melett Poland will be closed for a Public Holiday on Thursday 6th November. Any orders that are not picked or despatched on Wednesday 5th November will resume preparation when we return on Friday 7th November.
Melett will be closed for a Public Holiday on Thursday 11th November. Any orders that are not picked or despatched on Wednesday 10th November will resume preparation when we return on Friday 12th November.
Melett will be closed from 5 pm on Wednesday 24th November until 8 am on Monday 29th November for the Thanksgiving holiday
Commande en ligne maintenant disponible
In addition to viewing inventory levels and pricing, you can now place orders directly from our website. Download our user guide below to help you get started.